Organizing Your Coupons For Efficiency

My System That Failed

It all started when I realized my system to save money was failing. In the past, I was determined to use couponing to save me money, but in reality, circulars and newspaper clippings would sit in a pile on the kitchen counter. It was a strategy that became a nightmare. The stack of leaflets was in everyone’s way. Food and drink would get spilt on it. Dust accumulated. And forget about sorting through the coupons. I just never got around to it. The prospect of sorting through the pile was just too daunting. So, they sat there and never got used. Half of the coupons were expired by the time I would get around to tackling it. It was a disaster, and I wasn’t getting those bargains in the meantime. So I sat down, researched, and figured out a plan to organize coupons.

A System That Actually Works

I found a way to organize coupons that works. It’s made the whole couponing process a breeze. No more embarrassing moments holding up the supermarket queue, sorting through my bits of paper. This life-changing hack is called a Coupon Binder. Yes, you might have heard about it before. But, believe me, it works, and it’s so easy. If you want a couponing system that takes the stress and drama out of couponing, a coupon binder will help you get on top of your game. You’re going to save money and get those bargains! Because let’s be honest, we all need deals these days.


How to Get Started Today

A coupon binder is a folder to organize coupons. There are two ways to get a coupon binder started. You can either buy one ready-made or put your crafting skills to good use and make your own. If you make one, the first thing you need is a binder. Which are cheap enough to buy, or you may even have an old one lying around at home. I mean, they don’t have to be pretty, just functional. Although, by all means, make it pretty if it helps. You’ll also need coupon sleeves to organize by category using binder dividers. For example, you could include beauty, groceries, pets, medicine, cleaning supplies, kids. All those coupons you’ve clipped from your local newspaper and circulars, or those you’ve received in the mail, can now enter the categories in your new coupon binder. This new system makes it easy to coordinate your shopping list with your coupons. Then, when you need to go shopping for specific items, you’ll only need to grab the coupon sleeves you need, rather than a big stack of clippings!


An Even Easier Way To Save Money

While researching how to use a coupon binder, I came across a similar process to clipping coupons. It is an extension and app called Ibotta, which lets you earn cashback on groceries and new purchases. It’s free to download and works like clipping coupons. You create an account, find your favorite retailers, browse offers and claim cashback on your purchases. There is no mucking around with paper. It’s all done online. Much more manageable if you ask me.

Ibotta is here to give you money back on grocery and non-grocery purchases. Since starting Ibotta in 2012, they have paid over one billion dollars in cash to their members. In addition, pharmacies, restaurants, liquor stores, gas stations, and other major retailers, including Amazon, are available to be used with Ibotta.


Conclusion: Two Ways That Saved me a Heap of Money

I’m so excited my plan worked. That’s why I had to share it right now. Using these two easy couponing systems, a binder and an app has saved and earnt me money. I now have extra cash every week that I get to spend on some luxuries for myself and my family. No one is complaining in my house. So you need to start today. Imagine what you could do with some extra cash for yourself and your family.

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